Pre Contract Services

The management of construction contracts is the management of risk.

Risk identification and devising risk responses are therefore key skills, both prior to submission of tenders or following award of a contract.

MDA Consulting applies big picture thinking while paying meticulous attention to details in the pre-contract process to help clients realise their commercial objectives.

Our pre-contract services include such risk assessments, identification of skill deficiencies, training and upskilling of project teams.

Once teams have been assembled, we assist with planning, communicating identified risks and responding to the project team via project launch workshops. We implement the risk response by creating contract start up files.

Training and upskilling

MDA’s specialised training interventions deliver CPD-accredited and practically orientated training on international, South African standard form and bespoke construction contracts as well as related contractual issues. These include promotion and defence of claims, contract management and administration, subcontracting and dispute management and resolution procedures.

To view our current training offerings click here.

Risk Assessments

MDA analyses and reviews tender documents to identify commercial risks that will need to be managed if the tender is successful. Risk responses have to be formulated in such a way that the competitive advantage of the tenderer is not compromised.  In this way, MDA develops outcome-based strategies to ensure our clients are able to manage and shed risk while enhancing their commercial and financial position.


The formulation of the construction programme is the logical outcome of the risk identification and risk response process.

MDA assists contractors and professionals manage their construction schedule to ensure the most likely risks which will have the greatest impact are identified and catered for.

Project launch workshops

MDA’s project launch workshops are interactive contact sessions with our clients’ project team and other stakeholders. During each workshop, we explore project-specific contract documentation, identify possible commercial risks, formulate appropriate responses to anticipated commercial challenges and develop documentation to ensure not only commercial compliance, but the management of identified risks. These are also effective team building opportunities, particularly when the entire project team engages proactively and recognises the benefits of risk sharing and collaboratively devising risk responses.

Contract start-up files

MDA has assisted numerous organisations committed to running their contracts better and smarter. Successful contract start-up files are designed as a quick reference to assist clients in setting up their contracts for success. These include tools for effective communication, securing a contractor’s rights under the contract, preserving such rights, keeping the appropriate records and agreeing their accuracy with the Engineer.